Microdata for "Would you have commented more in school if you could've done so anonymously?"

    Showing votes 1 to 2 of 2

    Clock Time (EDT) Globe Location Calendar Age1 Genders Gender Colors Race Selection
    magnifier1:48:11 PM on 2020-05-10Flag of Bolivia Cochabamba, Cochabamba; Bolivia24female Female⚪ WhiteThumb up Yes
    magnifier1:52:23 PM on 2020-03-31Flag of United States Saint Petersburg, Florida; United States39male Male⚪ WhiteThumb up Yes
    Speech bubble "I've definitely held back a few times because I was afraid of being wrong, even though I would've been right."
    View voter profile magnifier
    Time: 1:48:11 PM on 2020-05-10 EDT
    Location: Flag of Bolivia Cochabamba, Cochabamba; Bolivia
    Age: 24
    Gender: female Female
    Race: ⚪ White
    Selection: Thumb up Yes
    View voter profile magnifier
    Time: 1:52:23 PM on 2020-03-31 EDT
    Location: Flag of United States Saint Petersburg, Florida; United States
    Age: 39
    Gender: male Male
    Race: ⚪ White
    Selection: Thumb up Yes
    Speech bubble "I've definitely held back a few times because I was afraid of being wrong, even though I would've been right."

    1This is the voter's age at the time of voting.

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