Microdata for "With this corona thing going around, do you regret not learning how to cook?"

    Showing votes 1 to 5 of 5

    Clock Time (EDT) Globe Location Calendar Age1 Genders Gender Colors Race Selection
    magnifier10:26:05 PM on 2020-11-03Flag of United States Salt Lake City, Utah; United States32male Male⚪ WhiteThumb down No
    magnifier7:58:00 PM on 2020-05-21Flag of United States Middlebury, Indiana; United States41female Female⚪ WhiteThumb down No
    magnifier2:53:56 PM on 2020-03-28Flag of United States Laredo, Texas; United States46male Male BlackThumb down No
    magnifier6:07:49 PM on 2020-03-26Flag of United States Bourbonnais, Illinois; United States43female Female⚪ WhiteThumb down No
    magnifier5:16:25 PM on 2020-03-26Flag of United States Hialeah, Florida; United States41female Female⚪ WhiteThumb down No
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    Time: 10:26:05 PM on 2020-11-03 EDT
    Location: Flag of United States Salt Lake City, Utah; United States
    Age: 32
    Gender: male Male
    Race: ⚪ White
    Selection: Thumb down No
    View voter profile magnifier
    Time: 7:58:00 PM on 2020-05-21 EDT
    Location: Flag of United States Middlebury, Indiana; United States
    Age: 41
    Gender: female Female
    Race: ⚪ White
    Selection: Thumb down No
    View voter profile magnifier
    Time: 2:53:56 PM on 2020-03-28 EDT
    Location: Flag of United States Laredo, Texas; United States
    Age: 46
    Gender: male Male
    Race: Black
    Selection: Thumb down No
    View voter profile magnifier
    Time: 6:07:49 PM on 2020-03-26 EDT
    Location: Flag of United States Bourbonnais, Illinois; United States
    Age: 43
    Gender: female Female
    Race: ⚪ White
    Selection: Thumb down No
    View voter profile magnifier
    Time: 5:16:25 PM on 2020-03-26 EDT
    Location: Flag of United States Hialeah, Florida; United States
    Age: 41
    Gender: female Female
    Race: ⚪ White
    Selection: Thumb down No

    1This is the voter's age at the time of voting.

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